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Updated: Feb 2

Many people find it hard to move forward because they are suffering mentally from something that happened in their past. Whether it was something that was done to them or something that they did to someone else or even something they did to. themselves. Here is a simple way to move forward without the weight of your pass. 1. Remember, memories (yesterday) has no power to hold on to you. What happen to you in your pass, weather five years ago one year ago is not still happening in most cases, but every time you hold onto the memory it's as if it's still happening. LET IT GO. As a believer, you are Not What You Did, You Are What Christ On The Cross. He freed us from all of the sin, the pain and shame that bound you to yesterday's mistakes. Forgive them or maybe you need to forgive yourself (1John 1:9) "YOU ARE NOT WHAT YOU DID, YOU ARE WHAT HE DID"

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